(Orphanage for Needy Girls)
Background why ABLE CHARITIES opened an orphanage for the Girl Child in Haryana.

India is now Home to 20 Million Orphans, a study by an international charity for orphaned and abandoned children found that India is home to 20 million orphans, a figure projected to increase by 2021. Most of these children have been abandoned by their parents. In fact, the study estimates that only 0.3 per cent of these orphans are children whose parents have actually died. An estimated 41 per cent of India’s population is below that age of 18 – the largest child population in the world. According to the study, an additional 13 per cent of these children live in single-parent households, which are also socially and economically marginalized. About 85 per cent of children from single-parent households live with their mothers. Orphaned children are greatly in need of care in protection, being among the most susceptible to poverty, child labour and child trafficking.

The Government of India data agency CARA ( ) shows as many as 60% of 12,273 children adopted over four years to 2017-18 were girls who are also most susceptible to maltreatment and trafficking.

With the high female infanticide rates, India with 940 girls for 1,000 boys is a daughter deficient and son surplus country. Haryana is the worst state in this regard with 877 girls (900 in 1966) to 1,000 boys in 2011 Sensex.

The alarming rise of rape cases in 2018 in Haryana shows a society imploding from its very roots. As per the statistics, in Haryana there are eight rapes in six days, one more heinous than the other. Haryana tops other states in having the highest number of gang rapes in India. This situation has a direct link with the gender imbalance increasing by the day.

With the paucity of eligible girls for marriage, they are brought in from poor States and this further exacerbates the problem of human/child trafficking. Child trafficking is a serious problem extensively prevalent in India.

In view of the above a home of hope for all the girls in need was opened by ABLE CHARITIES in June-2017 with 5 orphan girls and today homes and cares for 30 such girls.

The Vision:
Give the girls a preserved, cherished, nurtured and protected childhood.